The Chair-Armed Quarterback

Because I'm right, dammit, and it's cheaper than either booze or therapy.

Location: Daejeon, Korea, by way of Detroit

Just your average six-foot-eight carbon-based life form

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Better To Be Silent...

Just curious, but what the hell is R.L. White thinking?

For those who are unenlightened, R.L. White is the president of the Atlanta chapter of the N.A.A.C.P...and, in this scribe's mind, further evidence of how far this once-proud organization has fallen.

I mean, from W.E.B. DuBois to this?

White, speaking to reporters in the wake of Michael Vick's admission of guilt, made a series of statements in defense of Vick that demand a breathalyzer, at the very least.

For example: "...(W)e should join hands as a team, and recognize the fact that Mr. Vick is human. Humans make mistake (sic), but we maintain that he is a redeemable human."

A mistake?

Locking your keys in your car is a mistake.

Fumbling the football is a mistake.

Believing the Republicans will win the next presidential election is a mistake.

Planning, executing, and operating a dog-fighting operation for five years is not a mistake.

This was on purpose.

This was not a one-time incident, but a lifestyle that Vick would still be living had he not been discovered by authorities.

That bears repeating.

Michael Vick was killing dogs on his property as recently as April. That is not the evidence of a man who suddenly realizes the horrible direction that his life has taken, a man who truly repents in the biblical sense of the word, a man who turns away from his iniquity to take up a life completely different from the one he was leading.

That is the evidence of a man who was happy doing what he was doing, and who would still be doing it if he hadn't been caught.

But then, I shouldn't be surprised that the N.A.A.C.P. got it so horribly wrong. After all, their track record in the last 30 years hasn't exactly kept Dr. King's dream alive.

But it gets better.

Continuing their theme of victimization where there are no victims, White did his level best to portray Vick (!!) as the victim in all this.

"There are those who took exception to our characterization of “piling on,” or even later, uh, I used the term, uh, “lynching” of his, uh, personality by those who cried the loudest."

See, we might take exception to the term "lynching" because Michael Vick was not the one who got lynched figuratively, but was the one who did the lynching, literally, and he has admitted it.

That's the unalterable truth that even the blindfolded leaders of the N.A.A.C.P. just don't get: this is no longer the witch-hunt they've been looking for, nor is it the "techno-lynching" of the black male in the new millenium, nor has anyone fabricated any evidence or created charges out of whole cloth simply to bring him down. Michael Vick admitted that he fought dogs, killed dogs, and profited from the same.

Who is the victim here? The man who has admitted to a crime, or the dogs that he brutally killed?

But that's not the worst of it. White goes on to make the kind of statement that questions his grip on reality.

"The way he is being persecuted, he wouldn’t have been persecuted that much if he had killed somebody."

What the blue hell is he talking about?

Is he actually suggesting that Vick would have caught less flack if he'd killed someone?

I'd like to know what planet he was on when every media outlet known to man was covering the Ray Lewis fiasco, and Ray-Ray wasn't even the trigger man.

Better yet, he must have completely forgotten the firestorm that surrounded the Rae Carruth case, and Carruth failed in his attempt to kill his girlfriend and their unborn child.

Or maybe he's still a member of the O.J. Simpson fan club.

You'll remember O.J...the double murderer.

Was he sleeping through that entire year of 24-hour coverage and endless debate in print and electronic media?

Does he really believe that Vick would have gotten less attention than O.J. did, and Vick was the highest-paid player in the NFL at the NFL's most glamorous position?

My goodness, the only way Vick could have gotten more attention is if he'd murdered human beings the same way that he killed dogs.

Perhaps one of the best things about Vick's going to prison is that it will finally stop people from publicly making asses of themselves...

...and if it will shut up knuckleheads like R.L. White, I'll drive him to the prison myself.


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